COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art.


1.02 Plan and organize for creating art


COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard 1)


2.01 Become familiar with additional art media, techniques and processes that may include: Cut paper - tape, and Printmaking - styrofoam, water soluble printing ink

2.02 Recognize specific media and processes


COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and art elements. (National Standard 2 )


3.03 Discuss how the viewer's eye moves through work of art.

3.05 Identify center of interest (emphasis) in a composition.


In addition to meeting the above goals and objectives for visual arts from the NCSCOS, this lesson also mirrors the Cognition category that is included in the grades 3-8 End-of-Grade Reading Comprehension test in North Carolina.  A work of art can be ‘read’ using the same catergories that the state has mandated for reading.  By practicing these skills with works of art, educators help students to sharpen reading comprehension skills, and also brigdge the gap between textbook and more tangible application.


(from the 2002 Test Revision Categories)


Refers to the initial strategies a reader /viewer uses to understand the selection.  It is about purpose and organization of the selection.  It considers the text/artwork as a whole or in a broad perspective.  Cognition includes strategies like using context clues to determine meaning or summarizing to include main points

Item Type Examples – Cognition

  • Initial strategies the reader uses to understand text (art)
  • Purpose/organization of the text (art)
  • Context clues to determine meaning of vocabulary words (compositional elements)
  • Summarizing to include main points
  • Main idea and/or purpose (of artwork)
  • Identify the main (design) problem
  • Identify point of view (of artist)